Annual Report of the EU Platfom for Action on Diet, Physical Activity and Health

18/10/2016 Press 2294 Views
Annual Report of the EU Platfom for Action on Diet, Physical Activity and Health

The EU Platform for Action on Diet, Physical Activity and Health was launched in March 2005 with the aim to bring together key European-level organisations working in the field of nutrition and physical activity. Today the Platform provides a forum for discussion for the food industry, public health non-governmental organisations and health professionals.

Every year the Platform produces an annual report, assessing and summarising the activities undertaken by Platform members. The report also paves the way forward through conclusions and recommendations.

The latest report focuses on the year 2015. It highlights that levels of obesity among children and adults in Europe are still increasing and have put strain on national healthcare systems and created adverse consequences for the European economy as a whole.

The report explains that the Platform focuses its activities on six key areas.

These are: (1) advocacy and information exchange, (2) composition of foods, availability of healthy food options, portion sizes, (3) consumer information, including labelling, (4) education, including lifestyle modification, (5) marketing and advertising, and (6) physical activity promotion.

Most of the activities in 2015 were carried out in the area of “Education, including lifestyle modification”. An example of these activities is the Farming and Countryside Education (FACE) programme, which aims to ensure all children understand where their food comes from and how to choose and prepare healthy food as part of a balanced diet.

The final chapter of the report includes some areas which the Platform should focus on in the future, such as addressing social inequalities in health care to empower the most vulnerable members of society, developing products reformulation, and cooperating to build country-specific and cross-country knowledge to support the development of national policies on obesity.

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