Commission announces Beating Cancer Plan

03/02/2021 News Europe 503 Views
Commission announces Beating Cancer Plan

Today, on the eve of the World Cancer Day, the European Commission is presenting Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan – a main priority in the area of health of the von der Leyen Commission and a key pillar of a strong European Health Union. With new technologies, research and innovation as the starting point, the Cancer Plan sets out a new EU approach to cancer prevention, treatment and care. It will tackle the entire disease pathway, from prevention to quality of life of cancer patients and survivors, focusing on actions where the EU can add the most value.

Four key action areas

The Cancer Plan is structured around four key action areas — prevention, early diagnosis, detection and treatment, and improve quality of life — with 10 flagship initiatives and multiple supporting actions. It will be implemented using the whole range of Commission funding instruments, with a total of €4 billion being earmarked for actions addressing cancer, including from the EU4Health programme, Horizon Europe and the Digital Europe programme.

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