Commissioner Andriukaitis’ official visit to Estonia

19/04/2016 Policy , Press 2687 Views
Commissioner Andriukaitis’ official visit to Estonia

On the 25th of February, during his official visit to Estonia, the EU Health and Food Safety Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis met the parliamentary Committees for Rural Development and Environment. In his speech, Andriukaitis stated that food safety and public health cannot be dissociated, as “people’s health depend on the food they eat and the environment they live in”. The main food and environment related issues that are part of his mandate have been thoroughly outlined. They include the following topics: antimicrobial resistance, enforcement and official controls, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), crisis management, planet and animal health, endocrine disruptors.

To read the complete speech please click here:


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