EU announces Roadmap on One Health Action Plan on AMR

11/11/2016 News Europe , Policy 2270 Views

On 24 October, the European Commission published a roadmap on the One-Health Action Plan to assist Member States in the combat against Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). The European Commission has decided to propose in 2017 a new Action Plan (AP) against AMR.

The AP will take the form of a Commission Communication to the European Parliament and the Council. The main is goal is to ensure that the current antimicrobials for humans and animals are efficient.

The AP against AMR will include measures under 3 strategic pillars:

  • Assisting Member States and making the EU a best-practice region on AMR

The aim is to develop national policies and actions plans against AMR in human and veterinary medicine. The EC will organise a forum of experts from different sectors who will exchange best practices and provide peer reviews of the national strategies; Another goal is to develop methodologies to monitor the antibiotic resistant infections analyse the presence of antibiotics and update the EU guidelines on AMR. Moreover it is essential to increase awareness through specific actions (such as the European Antibiotic Awareness Day). Finally it is necessary to strengthen the cooperation with EU regulatory agencies (EMA, EFSA, and ECDC), the pharmaceutical industry and other stakeholders in order to create incentives for the reduction of the usage of antimicrobials.

  • Enhancing research, development and innovation against AMR

It is essential to use EU funding to stimulate research on new antimicrobial medicines and alternatives to antibiotics; one more step is to promoting research on the mechanisms causing resistance; finally the industry and the authority mechanisms must create economic incentives for antimicrobial discovery and efficacy.

  • Shaping the global agenda on AMR

It is important to enhance the EU presence in international collaboration (with WHO as well as FAO and OIE) in order to create a global governance on AMR; It is essential to assist Member States on the implementation of the WHO Global Action Plan on AMR; Lastly, the EU administration should promote EU best-practices and raising awareness in third countries, including the main EU trade partners (e.g. through the Transatlantic Taskforce on AMR), and low and middle-income countries.

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