UEMO for ICT4life H2020 project

07/02/2017 News UEMO 1935 Views
UEMO for ICT4life H2020 project

On 19 January, UEMO Vice-President, Dr. Daniel Widmer together with UEMO Senior Policy Advisor, Ms. Marie-Christine Bonnamour, participated in the launch event of the ICT4life project at the European Hospital and Healthcare Federation.

ICT4Life is three-year project co-financed under Horizon 2020. It kicked-off in Madrid on 19 January 2016 with the ambition to provide new services for integrated care employing user-friendly ICT tools, ultimately increasing patients’ quality of life and autonomy at home. In order to achieve this, ICT4Life will conduct breakthrough research and radical innovation and will implement the ICT4Life Platform. The platform will deliver a series of innovative services to patients affected by Parkinson, Alzheimer and other dementias but also to health professionals and formal and informal carers. All solutions will be developed following a user-centred methodology and tested in real life scenarios

This initiative brings together nine partners representing academia, industry and users’ groups, all committed in improving patients’ lives and integrated care.

The partners of this well-balanced and multidisciplinary consortium are namely: Artica Telemedicina (Spain), Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain), Madrid Parkinson Association (Spain), Netis Informatics Ltd. (Hungary), E-seniors (France), Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (Greece), Maastricht University (The Netherlands), European Hospital and Healthcare Federation (Belgium) and the University of Pécs (Hungary).

More information about the project is available here: http://www.hope.be/EU_Projects/ict4life/

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