The UEMO Fall General assembly successfully took place in Paris on 26-28 October, also marking the 50 year anniversary of the organisation.
The meeting started on the 26th with speeches from key actors of the EU health ecosystem, including EC’s DG SANTE, the EMA, the OECD and WONCA. Followed presentations of organisations operating at EU level including the EPF, CPME, FEMS and UEMS. On 27-28 working groups sessions were held and policies were debated and adopted by the UEMO.
More specifically, the following topics and issues were addressed:
UEMO – 50 Years Anniversary
In 1967, the general practice associations of the then six Member States of the European Economic Community assembled in Paris to establish the European Union of General Practitioners (UEMO). With this, general practice achieved a voice through the Community and, in time, this would prove the political voice of general practice, both of the European Union and of Europe as a whole. At that time, general medicine had only begun to emerge as a new central discipline of the profession, and was far from recognised in Europe.
In 2009, the UEMO acquired legal personality and became officially known as L’Union EUropéenne des Médecins Omnipraticiens / Médecins de Famille AISBL.
50 years after, in 2017, the UEMO is the largest organisation of GP in Europe and remains committed to promote the interest of European GPs, and more specifically, to:
- Study and promote the highest standard of training, practice, and patient care within the field of general practice throughout Europe.
- To defend the role of GPs in the healthcare systems
- To promote the ethical, scientific, professional, social and economic of European GPs, and to secure their freedom of practice in the interest of their patients.
- TO determine the united views of the members and to represent them through the appropriate channels to the relevant European Authorities and international organisations;
- To work with other European medical groupings to strengthen the position and unanimity of the medical profession in Europe in order to maintain the highest possible standards of education, ethics and patient care.
Adoption of New council member
The UEMO is delighted to welcome Mr Patrick Ouvrard from the Committee of the French College of General Practice (CMG), as council member.
Mr Ouvrard is a physician, medical expert, professor at the medical faculty of Angers and author of numerous papers and seminars on a variety of medical topics including pediatrics, parasitology, mycology, advice to travellers, medical anthropology, breastfeeding, medicines ect.
UEMO Future Presidency (2019-2022): Romania
The Presidency of the UEMO rotates from member organisation to member organisation on a four-yearly basis. On 1st January 2019, Mr Calin Bumbulut, representing the Romanian Delegation, will assume the Presidency for the period 2019-2022.
Mr Bumbulut is a Family Physician and Medical Coordinator for a team of 3 doctors in a group practice. He is also the President of Satu Mare Family Physicians Association since 2002 and the President of Satu Mare College of Physicians. Between 2006 and 2011 he was the Editor in Chief of the Medical Connections Journal (, currently being Deputy Editor. In 2011 he was elected as Vice-President of Romanian College of Physicians, and Coordinator of Professional, Scientific and Medical Education Department ( Since his country joining at UEMO is the head of Romanian delegation.
New UEMO Member
The UEMO is delighted to welcome the Serbian Medical Chamber which gathers 9228 GPs and 2048 physicians, specialist in general medicine.
Revised Declaration of Geneva endorsed unanimously by the UEMO
The UEMO endorsed unanimously the revised Declaration of Geneva previously approved by the World Medical Association.
The revised Declaration, to be called a pledge, refocuses the text to reflect changes over the decades in the relationship between physicians and their patients and between physicians themselves. As a result, the new pledge makes specific reference for the first time to respecting the autonomy of the patient, which is not included in the current text. It also includes a new obligation for respect between teachers, colleagues and students. The present Declaration says students must respect their teachers, but there is no reciprocity.
There is a new obligation on physicians to share medical knowledge for the benefit of their patients and the advancement of healthcare. Also added is a requirement for physicians to attend to their own health, well-being and abilities in order to provide care of the highest standard.
The current Declaration of Geneva is used across the world by physicians. In many countries it is actually part of the medical professional code and in some it is legally binding. However, in other countries it is either not used at all or is adapted in some way.
Revision of UEMO’s position on e-health
Finally, the General Assembly adopted some updates on the version of UEMO’s e-health Policy.
Draft statement on Screening Tests in General Practice and the role of the General Practitioner
General practitioners/family doctors have a role in promoting health and preventing diseases. General medical practice aims at reducing morbidity and mortality on the scientific basis that intervening at an early stage improves outcomes for patients. In this way, screening strategies may be of use provided that they are well defined and evidence base, whether they are based on a population approach or on opportunistic interventions in the consulting-room.
UEMO recognizes that GPs are ideally placed to advise and holistically support patients to make informed decisions on evidence based screening that reduces risk. UEMO supports GPs in this role. UEMO stresses the importance of applying screening strategies in general medical practice, which must be carried out according to the structural and procedural criteria referred to above, following the scientific norms that have been presented.
UEMO letter of support to Romania
The European Union of General Practitioners / Family Physicians notices with regret that there has not been an agreement reached between the Health Insurance House and the Government of Rumania on the one hand, and Romanian National Society of Family Medicine on the other.
UEMO, in its interest in patient safety, offers its full support to its colleague Family Doctors in Romania, and looks forward to a solution of better regulation of health care, an improvement of the quality of services and better funding of the Health Care system.
Patient safety and Cross Border Care in post-Brexit Ireland
UEMO General Assembly unanimously agrees that, in his role as EU Chief Brexit Negotiator, Mr. Michael Barnier, must assure that the care provided by general practitioners on both sides of the Border is essential and valued by all.
In the interests of patient care UEMO calls on the EU to maintain, or even improve:
- The ongoing cooperation of safe provision of all cross border patient services, present and future,
- The free movement of patients and health professionals across the border
- The continued recognition of medical qualifications across borders on the island of Ireland
- Clarification of funding for joint medical research initiatives