Success of the UEMO’s General Assembly in Prague

20/06/2018 News UEMO , Press 1466 Views
Success of the UEMO’s General Assembly in Prague

On 1-2 June 2018, the European Union of General Practitioners/ Family physicians (UEMO) General Assembly met in Prague, Czech Republic. At this occasion, the UEMO issued a series of statements related to various political issues including the value of General Practice and Family Medicine in Europe and the proposal for a regulation on health technology assessment. Furthermore, the General Assembly gave a series of recommendations and made a joint statement on patient safety and cross border care in post-Brexit.

More specifically, the following policies and other issues were addressed:

The Value of General Practice and Family Medicine in Europe

UEMO discussed the big role that General Practice/ Family Medicine has in European healthcare systems. General Practitioners are experienced, highly trained, and expert physicians who are easily accessible to a wide range of patients.  Given the right working conditions, General Practitioners are able to provide all of the following services. Therefore, UEMO has set a series of recommendations for Governments to make sure these working conditions are guaranteed. In addition, UEMO insists that General Practice should be recognised as a European Medical Specialty under Annexe V 5.1.3 of the EU Directive on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications (2005/36/EC).

UEMO statement on Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on health technology assessment and amending Directive 2011/24/EU

UEMO aims at studying and promoting the highest standard of training, practice and patient care within the field of general practice throughout Europe; one important point defended by UEMO is general practitioner’s freedom of practice in the interest of the patient, permitting a person centred medicine.

UEMO is well aware of the complexity of this issue.  Therefore, some points must be underlined:

  • For the selection of medical devices, UEMO wants that the 4 basic principles of medical ethics apply: beneficence, do-no-harm principle, autonomy and justice.
  • For the creation of coordination group and sub-groups more transparency could be important, for example with a declaration of conflicts of interests.
  • Joint scientific consultation is in the Proposal only open to health technology developers. Other stakeholders should also have the possibility to access an HTA assessment.
  • Criteria for the selection of stakeholder organisations (established in the open call) should be more transparent.
  • Health Care Professionals must be consulted for emerging technologies

UEMO supported the multidisciplinary approach on Obesity

The UEMO welcomes the multidisciplinary paper on obesity by the European Association for the Study Obesity with the contribution of the UEMO. UEMO acknowledges the cooperation generated by this joint outcome and believes that an update on format could further contribute to its use in daily practice.

Joint position on Patient safety and Cross Border Care in post-Brexit

UEMO reiterated once again its original calls made during 2017 for both the European Union and the UK government to recognise that in relation to Brexit, severe risks will be posed: to patient safety; patient treatment; ongoing medical education, training and scientific research.

UEMO General Assembly unanimously agreed that, in his role as EU Chief Brexit Negotiator, Mr. Michael Barnier, must insist on allowing general practitioners on each side of the Irish border to be able to continue practicing on both sides of the border in the interests of patient care.

To achieve this, UEMO considers essential:

  • The ongoing cooperation of safe provision of all cross border patient services, present and future
  • The continued recognition of medical qualifications across borders
  • The free movement of patients and health professionals
  • Clarification of funding for joint medical research initiatives




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