UEMO attends HTA meeting in Brussels

16/01/2019 News UEMO 921 Views
UEMO attends HTA meeting in Brussels

On January 16, UEMO was represented at the HTA Network Stakeholder Pool, by the Swiss and French Doctors, Daniel Widmer and Patrick Ouvrard. The meeting was organized by DG SANTE, in Brussels, and covered current topics of interest for healthcare professionals such as the relationship between patients and healthcare professional experts in the Health Technology Assessment process.

Additionally, the meeting focused on cooperation on identification and prioritisation of health technologies for Joint work. Here, the discussion was centered on possibilities of information sharing between the industry and EUnetHTA, with the objective of identifying technologies for joint assessment. A targeted approach for pharmaceuticals and medical technologies is expected to be applied.

Public spending on health and long-term care is steadily rising in EU Member States and is expected to continue to do so, but healthcare systems in Europe have come under pressure in recent decades because of an ageing population and budgetary limitations. In order to address the increased budgetary challenges, national governments in recent years have been increasingly recognising the important role that e-Health can play in improving performance and capacity of healthcare systems. According to a 2016 WHO survey 70{cabf78295431282ca1bec49ffbe2c87b89a1285ae102b2d0687184fc21af24ba} of EU Member States have a national eHealth policy or strategy.

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