UEMO fully supports the introduction of the EU HTA Regulation

29/10/2024 News UEMO 129 Views

The European Union of General Practitioners (UEMO) fully supports the introduction of the EU HTA Regulation and is committed to supporting a successful implementation. A key task of the medical associations such as UEMO within the EU HTA Stakeholder Network from commencement of 2025 on will be to identify and provide expertise to support the upcoming Joint Clinical Assessments.

To further determine and shape the evolving role of General Practitioners in Health Technology Assessment UEMO in collaboration with their European and global colleagues (WONCA-Europe and World Family Doctors, WONCA) has initiated the introduction of respective focus groups (1). However, when discussing those processes at the recent WONCA 2024 meeting on September 24-28 in Dublin the need for thorough training in HTA methods, experiences, and processes became obvious.

UEMO is aware of respective training programs such as EUCAPA, HTA4 Patients and the Technical Support Instrument of the European Commission for the Members States, all funded by the European Commission.

As mentioned, it is UEMO’s intention to actively contribute to the successful implementation of the regulation and to develop respective pan-European expertise among General Practitioners for continuous support via the EU HTA Stakeholder Network. A discussion on already established training processes for the development of a respective curriculum for General Practitioners across Europe would be welcome and to be fully funded by EC.

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