UEMO General Assembly 20-21 October, Bucharest:Press Release

10/11/2016 Events , News UEMO , Top News UEMO 3491 Views

On 20-21st October the European Union of General Practitioners/ Family physicians (UEMO) General Assembly met in Bucharest, Romania. This General Assembly was co-organised with the Romanian College of Physicians.

On 21st October the members of UEMO voted on several issues. UEMO adopted a position paper on the role of pharmacists and general practitioners. UEMO acknowledged the positive working relationship that frequently exists between general practitioners and pharmacists, who collaborate daily, by providing for the safe and appropriate treatment of patients. Pharmacists provide value to all health systems through expertise in pharmacological processes and in the preparation and dispensation of medications. However, UEMO’s national bodies expressed their concerns regarding the risks to patients created by the pharmacists’ lack of medical training and of public health concerns (principally with regard to commercial pharmacists groups). UEMO members urged regulators across Europe not to push pharmacists into the unwarranted expansion of their professional activities. They should operate only in those areas for which they have been appropriately trained.

UEMO members further expressed their position regarding the EU guidelines on the prudent use of antimicrobials in human medicine which are currently being developed by the ECDC. Emphasis was given on the need for regional monitoring on the use of antimicrobials. Further points raised were the independence of the therapy from reimbursement rules. In addition, UEMO members expressed the need for organising awareness raising campaigns on patients’ compliance with the prudent use of antimicrobials.

Last but not least, the UEMO General Assembly voted on the principles leading to the creation of a code of conduct for the organisation which is currently being finalised.

Regarding internal matters, Vice-President Dr Weigeldt (Germany) will end his mandate as Board member on December 31st. He will be replaced as from 1st January by Dr Mary Mccarthy (UK).

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