UEMO statement on the COVID-19 outbreak in Europe

16/03/2020 News Europe , News UEMO , Policy2 678 Views
UEMO statement on the COVID-19 outbreak in Europe

Dear colleagues, dear citizens of the European Union,

We are living in times of gravity that mankind has not encountered in several generations, with probably the largest health crisis of the last 100 years.

European Family doctors are at the forefront of the fight against the pandemic, unfortunately sometimes paying the highest price; this is the case of our colleague hero Roberto Stella, the President of the Order of Doctors of the Varese province. We express our deep sorrow for the irreparable loss of our Italian colleagues, a loss that is in fact of all the doctors in the large UEMO family.

Such situations should have been avoided first and foremost by providing physicians with adequate means of protection; as long as these measures will not be taken quickly by national health systems and therefore by the governments of most Member States, Family physicians will continue to be exposed irresponsibly by these systems to the danger of contamination, thus endangering the basis of healthcare, with irreparable consequences.

We request the activation of extraordinary measures for the provision of protective equipment for all Family physicians so that we can continue to relieve the healthcare systems in order to handle the cases that require hospital care, and at the same time to be able to perform an efficient triage to identify those cases requiring hospitalization, and thus avoid the overburden of our hospital systems.

Let us remember that in the oath of Hippocrates, more current than ever, besides the fact that “The health of the patients will be a sacred obligation for me”, it is also stated that “I will exercise the profession with conscience and dignity” and “my colleagues will be my brothers”.

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