Towards improving the availability of medicines in the EU

05/09/2018 Events , News Europe , Press 1046 Views
Towards improving the availability of medicines in the EU

On 29 August 2018, the force task set up by European Union (EU) regulators to better address potential problems with medicines’ supply and to avoid shortages published its work programme for the coming two years. The priority will be to improve the availability of human and veterinary medicines authorised in the EU for the benefit of patients in the EU.

The task force will develop and coordinate actions for better prevention, identification, management of and communication on issues that can affect the availability of medicines, in order to improve continuity of supply of human and veterinary medicines across Europe.

The task force will organise a multi-stakeholder workshop on 8-9 November 2018 to gather stakeholders, including patients, consumers, healthcare professionals, industry, wholesalers/distributors, parallel distributors, academia and regulators. They are expected to address availability issues and to include their input into the deliverables of the task force.


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Towards improving the availability of medicines in the EU

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